Dr Earl Abraham
Endocrine & General Surgeon
BSc (Med) MBBS (Hons) FRACS
English, German
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  • Central Sydney Private Hospital
University/Teaching Appointment


Public Hospital Appointment


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Affiliations & Memberships

Affiliations & Memberships


Dr Earl Abraham is a specialist Endocrine and General Surgeon with an expert interest in thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules, Graves’ disease, toxic and large goitres and hyperparathyroidism. He also provides services in the areas of salivary gland stones and tumours, neck lumps and general surgical conditions including laparoscopic hernia and gall bladder surgery.

Dr Earl Abraham graduated from UNSW School of Medicine with Honours and underwent intern and residency years at Royal North Shore Hospital. After successfully completing the surgical training program through Liverpool, Campbelltown and Tweed Hospitals, he was awarded Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS).

He acquired further subspecialty training and experience through coveted fellowship positions on the Breast, Endocrine, Head and Neck Unit at Liverpool Hospital and the Surgical Oncology and Sarcoma Unit at Prince of Wales Hospital and Royal Hospital for Women. Extensive additional coursework has added further expertise, including proficiency in bedside thyroid and parathyroid ultrasound.

He has an academic interest in education and research, particularly in the field of thyroid cancer, which has led to numerous national and international conference presentations and publications. He regularly attends courses and conferences locally and overseas to further knowledge and keeps up to date with the latest research, techniques and guidelines.

Dr Abraham chairs and co-ordinates the Liverpool and Campbelltown Endocrine MDT meeting which is comprised of a panel of experts in Endocrine Surgical conditions.

He takes great pleasure in regularly training and mentoring junior surgeons and medical students, and is active in teaching as a lecturer for Western Sydney University. Away from work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and 4 daughters.

Dr Abraham is a highly trained endocrine and general surgeon who offers a broad range of thyroid, parathyroid, head and neck, salivary gland and general surgical services with a track record of excellent patient outcomes.